‘Green building’ is an idea almost everybody agrees upon,
but very few dare to attempt because of prohibitively high costs and
architectural challenges. But some steps like proper ventilation and
utilization of natural light in new buildings could save the world a lot of
energy and money. As of now there are only 10-12 buildings that have been
officially ranked as green buildings in India and they are largely in the
private sector.
Anything that is constructed keeping the harmony of the
environment in mind is generally known as green construction. If not meeting
all the parameters like Eco-friendly building materials, waste management, etc.
energy saving methods could go a long way in contributing to the environment.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
USA, believe that buildings can be designed to encourage airflow and maintain
temperatures that minimize or eliminate the need for conventional
air-conditioning systems. They have come up with computer-based tools to help
architects design commercial buildings that cool them with natural breezes.
A building can be turned green through several simple means
such as using solar water heating
systems; the state electricity boards also provide several rebates to green
household on their electricity bill if they meet the specifications.
The latest LED lights can also be useful in turning you
premise green since they are environment-friendly and have no carbon emissions.
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